Thursday, 16 May 2013

Fringe- Gossip about Actor-lines

Fringe Seasons 1-5 ended on Jan 19, 2013,  reach to that great sayings: drama should be take to end though they are long. and Till you remember those classic actor-lines or you’ve never seen it, if any you are viewing right article now:

1 The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him---classic one, it’s no one of.

2 The advances of science, which are supposed to expand our knowledge of the universe will, if not carefully controlled, destroy the world as we know.

3 Only those who risk going too far find out how far they can go.

4 "I think...It's what they call...feelings..." "you made her important. she is responsiable for the death of one of us."---I was crying when watching this scene though I am not a Gossip Girl.

5 By Walter: Unless you have an IQ higher than mine, I'm not interested in what you think!-oops, real man should like this, am I right?

6 FBI,Put your hands where I can see them---Okay, this phrase often accur on cop drama or Si-Fi series, we list it on here just for the frequence of it, to see Lost DVD series | Supernatural Seasons 1-7 DVD series | Criminal Minds season 8 DVD series, as well Bones seasons 1-7 DVD series. you would find this actor-line flying on screen time by time, episode by episode, also, be vicious thinking, it’s a great advertisement for FBI centre.
7 Sometimes what we wake up, can't be put back to sleep.

8 What we perceive as solid matters, is mostly empty space. Just as we may perceive that the life is full, that is actually a series of empty encounters. You should have been safe inside your mind... except it's you. And you have never felt safe. You are your own worst enemy. You took the opportunity to let your fears overwhelm you.

9 Now she's everywhere. She's in my house,my job,my bed,and I don't want to wear my cloths anymore,and I don't want to live in my apartment,and I don't want to be with you. She's taken everything--- Yes, my tears welling with it.

10 You know what Barrett said?He said that he looked into her eyes,and he knew that it wasn't her. I understand the facts. I know that she had reams of information about me,and about my life,and about people that were close to me---Please to see jailer’s great performance.

Last one is “Dunham.FBI.I'm on my way”, it over through whole Fringe Seasons 1-5, may in some measure we could say how many people know this phrase is representative the popularity of Fringe Seasons 1-5 DVD Box Set, Till hesitate? why don’t make a chance to try and write some for it?

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