Touch Seasons 1-2 DVD
I don’t know if the following season will release or not, at least I have
achieved the smile of J.B, I knew this guy named Kiefer Sutherland played Jack
Bauer in 24 Series gave me deep impression, be honest
so I pursue Touch, almost want to witness the performance of J.B(Jack Bauer, in
my heart I prefer to call him J.B, easy to remember and spell), I want to
witness what’s the performance of J.B in this show who played a classic tragic
hero to quiver my soul. In season 1: whole world full of connection, and I
feeling it, interaction between us and world which I’ve never know. What do we
can touch in the world? Everything is so mysterious around us. In Touch Season 2: relation of human being
gradually change with the time of message, to see my idol J.B, change himself to
communicate with others from thoroughly isolation; to see the growth of him,
fortunately in final I see his smile to release my down emotion 24
series impelled. May the theme song to express its emotion to all
audiences “here I stand”, yes may he constantly stand in there and never change
it. But change is us. Our perspectives to him are changed. Such a beautiful
world existence caused by everybody own exclusive mind and action. of cause, a
small surprise is in Touch is J.B re-pick his job to
investigate murders, a big surprise in Touch I must to admit is
Amelia, she’s so beautiful and full of sensitive.
Do you still remember these Asides? Voice of J.B constant fascinate me and
knock my heart time to time as enjoy it.
1 There are in finite ways to communicate, some better than others. Today,
the average person will say 17520 words to 7.4 other individuals, yet change the
language, one border to the next, and we are hopeless. stumbling to explain the
simplest of concepts, I want 、I am、I love---beginning episode 1 in season 2.
2 For thousands of years, sailors have looked to the stars to understand
where they are. As oceans move beneath them, they take comfort in the fixed mark
of the North Star. While here, below, nothing ever stops moving. Mass attracts
mass, bodies moving toward each other in space, will speed up as they get
closer. The gravitational pull, between two bodies becomes stronger, making
convergence inevitable. What we're heading toward, or what the outcome of the
convergence will be, is unknowable. Man continues to look to the stars for
certainty. But the only real certainty is that every day we're alive, our
destiny is getting closer and closer---beginning episode 2 in season 2(View
Murdoch Mysteries Seasons 1-4 Dvd Box Set).
3 We are all in motion, hurtling toward a destiny, we did not choose and
cannot avoid. Bodies moving through space speed up, as they get nearer to one
another. The convergence is inevitable. For thousands of years, sailors have
looked to the stars to understand where they are. As oceans move beneath them,
they take comfort in the fixed mark of the North Star. While here, below,
nothing ever stops moving. Mass attracts mass, bodies moving toward each other
in space, will speed up as they get closer. The gravitational pull, between two
bodies becomes stronger, making convergence inevitable. What we're heading
toward,or what the outcome of the convergence will be, is unknowable. Man
continues to look to the stars for certainty. But the only real certainty is
that every day we're alive, our destiny is getting closer and closer---ending
episode 2 in season 2(View Castle Seasons 1-4 DVD Box Set).
4 From the smallest amoeba to the grandest of galaxies, we define ourselves
by our borders. Our boundaries, I am mine, therefore, I am not you. We are safe
within our territory, but borders can be places of instability, of dancer. Cold
fronts collide with warm. Dynamic energy explodes. And yet, it's at the edges,
the frontiers between us, where ideas are exchanged, where knowledge is gained.
I am me, but I must push past my borders, if I'm ever to truly know
you---beginning episode 3 in season 2.
5 We cross borders, explore new frontiers,frontiers of heart,frontiers of
soul...And if we're lucky, if we're very lucky, we come back home again,having
learned greet lessons, about our shared destiny. For the purpose of our travels,
both inner world and outer world,it's not merely to see unseen, but bring those
visions home. The share with those will be loved---ending episode 3 in season 2.
6 Sometimes storms do not arrive full-blown. Sometimes, they built over days,
or even weeks. An Arctic storm, moving southward, can suddenly crash into a
tropical hurricane, that's driving north. And when these collisions of weather
systems occur, it causes the storm to explode. The sum total of their
destructive energy is far greater than what any of them would have been had they
remained on their own, creating what meteorologists, sometimes call “perfect
conditions” for a deadly storm, a perfect storm---beginning episode 4 in season
2(View Dexter Season 1-7 DVD Box Set).
7 And when these perfect storms hit, you have to recognize them for what they
are. Acknowledge their awesome power, and hold on tight---ending episode 4 in
season 2.
8 Human beings are hard-wired to connect. We are drawn to one another by our
own chemistry. We produce attachment hormones that create intimacy. We build
neural bridges that bond us, brain to brain...Heart to heart---beginning
episode 5 in season 2.
9 Our brains, our entire nervous systems, are designed for us to form deep,
lasting bonds. When those connections are broken...bad things can
happen---ending episode 5 in season 2.
10 In a vacuum, radio waves travel at the same speed as all forms of
electromagnetic radiation. That is, 299,792,458 meters per second. But human
beings do not live in a vacuum. Wherever we are, we're surrounded by stimuli,
OYS destination, the sensory sortex, at a mere 100 meters per second. But
regardless of it is relatively slow speed, this unpleasant sensation registers
as something we call pain. And as humans, we are conditioned, to do anything and
everything to avoid it---beginning episode 6 in season 2(View Game Of Thrones Seasons 1-2 DVD Box Set).
11 The power of a radio signal depends, on the magnitude of its electrical
field in relation to the position of the observer. Mathematically, this power is
expressed in millivolts per meter. But more often, the connection is simply
described as strong or weak. For an observer in motion, the connection is always
subject to change. If the distance becomes too great, the connection will cease
entirely---ending episode 6 in season 2.
12 An Arctic storm moving southward, can suddenly crash into a tropical
hurricane that's driving north, and when these collisions of weather systems
occur, it causes the storm to explode. The sum total of the destructive energy
is far greater than what any of then would have been, had they remained on their
own, creating what meteorologists sometimes call perfect conditions for a
deadly storm. A perfect storm. In humans, a fear response happens in less that
40 milliseconds. Immediately, a massive shot of adrenaline makes our muscles
tense up to fight, our heart rate increases, so we can elude predators, we sweat
so we don't overheat, pupils dilate so we can see in the dark. Despite the fact
that each of us reacts to fear in the same way, neuroscience still has found no
way to quantify fear itself. But sometimes, what bring us together are those
things we're all afraid of--- beginning episode 7 in season 2(View The Simpsons Seasons 1-23 DVD).
13 Fear, base, raw, mortal fear, is the dividing line in our species. And no
matter how hard we struggle to define it, it can't be quantified. But it's one
of the only constant units of measure, one of the few things that make us who we
are. The only uniquely human force with enough power to overcome fear is
love---ending episode 7 in season 2.
14 Bodies at rest stay at rest, and bodies in motion stay in motion, unless
acted on by an outside force. People like object, become set in their paths,
embedded in a constrained reality. As we travel our path, the possible futures,
which were once infinite, collapse down to one. One outcome, unchangeable,
inescapable---beginning episode 8 in season 2(View Glee Seasons 1-4 DVD Box Set).
15 Once this deviation happens, you find yourself on a new path. uncharted,
unknown...ending episode 8 in season 2.
16 Physicists will tell you that time does not exist, that it is a human
construct used to organize experience and catalog existence, so we can quantify
it, confirm it, remember it. Einstein did not believe in time. He believed in
timelessness, that all of time existed at once, past, present, future. He did
not acknowledge the concept of “now”. All moments are equally real and equally
accessible, if we know how---beginning episode 9 in season 2(View Vegas Season 1 DVD Box Set).
17 We are the authors of our own destinies, the pioneers of our lives. And
yet, our world is made of patterns. Eternal truths that appear and repeat, over
and over, across the millennia. For it's only by standing on the shoulders of
the past, that we can truly gaze into the future---beginning episode 10 in
season 2.
TV and movie infomation blog source please focus on raulraiy
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